No two investigations are exactly alike. Just as every workplace complaint involves a unique set of facts and individuals, so does every investigation. However, most will follow a process similar to this:

Step 1: Initial meeting with company contact for full briefing of complaint and gathering of relevant documentation and information.

Step 2: Review of relevant documentation, which may include company policies and procedures, personnel files of individuals involved, company investigation files, and other documents pertinent to the investigation, ie, an offensive e-mail.

Step 3: Preparation of an investigation plan — additional documents to be gathered and reviewed and/or list of the individuals to be interviewed.

Step 4: Scheduling of interviews of complainant(s), witness(es), and alleged actor(s).

Step 5: Conducting of interviews and follow-up where necessary, including gathering of additional documents and information, and re-interviewing witnesses.

Step 6: Preparation of oral and/or written report.

Step 7: Delivery of report to company contact or representative.